Tonight I made ten more pairs of earrings. Some are one button, others have as many as three per ear. I'm enjoying it... although I'll admit I was a bit clumsy this evening and my fingers have some gluey patches. Only time will make them good as new!
My lovely friend Veronique was talking about setting up a website and fundraising for Plan Canada's Because I Am A Girl. I thought, why not? I was thinking about Plan Canada early on and not quite sure if it was doable... but since she's already made some button crafts with me, and I think if we pool our resources we ought to be able to make a good go of it. At the moment I believe her plan is to set up a separate website where people can donate, and this one will keep on with the buttons (yes, I will post pictures eventually I swear) and we can sell button crafts here and at craft shows as the year progresses.
So... if anyone is out there reading... we have a plan. For Plan. Canada. Yup. I guess I should get some more details and contact Plan Canada to see if there are any bureaucratic hoops to jump through. So... more details to come!!
And for now... I'm going to bed. Happily moving this project forward because, yup, I'm done school! Our three week work term starts this week, I start on Tuesday, and then I'm going to be a licensed dental assistant. Watch out world... here we come!
I'm full of happiness right now and I hope it spreads out to you too!!
Good night!