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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome to Project Button!

First I'd like to say Welcome to the Blog!!

This is my second blog/charitable art project and I'm very excited to begin! For anyone who is just joining me on this journey, you might want to pop by my first blog/project to see a bit more of what I'm all about.

The link for that is:

I have promised my husband not to get too rigid this year... last year was not so hard until school started, but then it did get a little crazy! I had been painting a canvas a day for the full calendar year. This time, I want to set a numerical goal, 500 crafts, so technically more than one a day, by the end of the year, and I plan to sell them here and at craft shows, and really anywhere I can! So, for the next little while at least you can expect to see some periodic blogging, and then some pictures of the finished crafts. Once school is done in June I imagine things will pick up even more!

I am not sure where the money raised from sales and donations will go yet... A Canvas A Day went to the Children's Wish Foundation, and I'm tempted to continue with that, but the idea of finding another excellent cause is appealing too... so if anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them!

Right now I'm in the button collecting, material gathering stage and if anyone happens to have buttons they would like to donate I would really (really!) appreciate it! Anyone who donates materials or funds to purchase materials will be thanked personally and here on the blog (unless they don't want to).

This year I've added a feature... follow by email... I don't really know how it works, but I gather if you enter your email address in the 'submit' bar then you'll probably get an email when I post a new entry. Or, you can just swing on by and see what's new!

I also welcome contributions of button crafts... if there is anyone out there who likes to make crafts with buttons and you want to get in on a feel good project, then you're in the right place! The more the merrier and the more money raised for charity is always a good thing!

Well, that's probably enough out of me for the first post... I'm at the school library right now tinkering away and hopefully getting some school work done too. Maybe I should get back to that! :) Thanks for checking this project out, I hope you'll join me this year and see what some small things can do to make a big difference!

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