Oh my gosh!! I think I'm going to do it! I can just about see 500 hovering in the near future! Woot!!
I made another twenty fridge magnets today and I like this batch quite a bit. I think I must be part crow... the shiny buttons grab my attention. Caw caw! :)
I'm feeling all giddy right now, can you tell??
Ok, so big update... I am not going to be donating to Plan Canada after all. They never responded to my email which I think is a little inconsiderate. So... I have decided to support Children's Wish again because I think it makes a very big difference for some very amazing children. I felt really good about last year's efforts and although I don't think I'll be able to raise quite as much this year, I think every little bit helps. It's like the blog home page says: Small things make a big difference.
So... if you'd like to support Children's Wish with me, let me know, buy a craft, make a donation, whatever you want to do. It's a great way to spread a little happy in the world and I guarantee you'll make a big difference for someone who could use some happy.
I'd also like to take a moment and send out my best wishes and hopeful thoughts for all the people affected by Hurricane Sandy here in Canada and down in the States. I'm a bit shocked that we haven't had more of an 'event' here on the coast... but I am also thankful too. I just hope that everyone stays safe and gets through this as best they can.
For those of us not under water, I hope tomorrow's Hallowe'en is safe and fun for all. Good night and stay tuned for the craft tally! Getting excited!!
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Almost to 400...
Wow! I'm just shy of four hundred button crafts!! Just in the nick of time... the craft show is in two weeks. Do you guys think I can make another hundred crafts in two weeks?? I think so!!
I wrote to Plan Canada to see about donating the money all officially and stuff and no one ever wrote me back. I guess they're not that interested? Well, I can either collect it and donate it on my own, or I can call up my friends at Children's Wish and go that route. Thoughts? I'm still on the fence... would like to support Because I Am A Girl.... but am not impressed that no one replied to my email.
Anyway... it's going to be a busy busy weekend getting the kids and the house all decked out for Hallowe'en. The weather is gorgeous today and the colours on our tree are beautiful. I wish I could keep the world at "Autumn" instead of heading toward winter... sigh. All seasons are beautiful though. Just have to focus on the beauty of twinkling snow and ice rather than the slush and the cold. :) It's all good!
Will keep you posted on the craft tally, and maybe when I get to my 500 goal I'll take and post some pictures!
I wrote to Plan Canada to see about donating the money all officially and stuff and no one ever wrote me back. I guess they're not that interested? Well, I can either collect it and donate it on my own, or I can call up my friends at Children's Wish and go that route. Thoughts? I'm still on the fence... would like to support Because I Am A Girl.... but am not impressed that no one replied to my email.
Anyway... it's going to be a busy busy weekend getting the kids and the house all decked out for Hallowe'en. The weather is gorgeous today and the colours on our tree are beautiful. I wish I could keep the world at "Autumn" instead of heading toward winter... sigh. All seasons are beautiful though. Just have to focus on the beauty of twinkling snow and ice rather than the slush and the cold. :) It's all good!
Will keep you posted on the craft tally, and maybe when I get to my 500 goal I'll take and post some pictures!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
35 more today!
I decided to make some smaller magnets today. They are cute and little... perfect for putting up photos on a fridge, or smaller notes. I use several small magnets on my fridge and thought that a bunch of smaller options would be good too.
Almost to 350 now... probably going to have to take a little break though. I have a costume to make for my little boy! He's going to be a "one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people-eater" for Hallowe'en. Yeah. Try picking that up at Old Navy! LOL
I have lots of elements, just have to put it all together. Should be a fun one at the neighbours' doors... I can see it now...
My Son: Trick or Treat!
Neighbour: Hello! Well, now what are you supposed to be?
My Son: (in a mad excited rush) A oneeyedonehornedflyingpurplepeopleeater!!
Neighbour: (with a confused expression) A what??
Me: (slower) He's a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people-eater. You know, from the song.
Neighbour: Uh...
My Son: (after getting some candy) Thank you! Happy Hallowe'en!
Neighbour: (still looking shell-shocked) Um, bye....
Yup. Good times ahead. :)
The craft show is fast approaching! I need to get my act in gear on display stuff. Where can I find good jewelry display stuff for super cheap?? I really don't need to be spending a fortune on something I'll only use once or twice. Sigh. We'll see if I can come up with something...
Spread some happy!
Almost to 350 now... probably going to have to take a little break though. I have a costume to make for my little boy! He's going to be a "one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people-eater" for Hallowe'en. Yeah. Try picking that up at Old Navy! LOL
I have lots of elements, just have to put it all together. Should be a fun one at the neighbours' doors... I can see it now...
My Son: Trick or Treat!
Neighbour: Hello! Well, now what are you supposed to be?
My Son: (in a mad excited rush) A oneeyedonehornedflyingpurplepeopleeater!!
Neighbour: (with a confused expression) A what??
Me: (slower) He's a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people-eater. You know, from the song.
Neighbour: Uh...
My Son: (after getting some candy) Thank you! Happy Hallowe'en!
Neighbour: (still looking shell-shocked) Um, bye....
Yup. Good times ahead. :)
The craft show is fast approaching! I need to get my act in gear on display stuff. Where can I find good jewelry display stuff for super cheap?? I really don't need to be spending a fortune on something I'll only use once or twice. Sigh. We'll see if I can come up with something...
Spread some happy!
Monday, October 15, 2012
60% There!
I have 312 crafts made! Woo-hoo! That's just over 60% done!
I have to do a little research on Plan Canada's site before I officially designate it as this year's recipient of all the profits. It's not too late so maybe I'll pop on their and see what I see.
Today I had two wisdom teeth out so it was a bit of a crafty quiet day. I came home and rested during the morning then popped a second movie on and began to slowly make some earrings. This evening I made a few more while my husband watched a tv show he likes but I just can't quite get into. I don't know, it just makes me uncomfortable.
Anyway... so it's up to 312... phew. Still not sure if I'll hit 500 but I'm sure going to try!
There's my quick little update and I'll pop back in a few days. :)
I have to do a little research on Plan Canada's site before I officially designate it as this year's recipient of all the profits. It's not too late so maybe I'll pop on their and see what I see.
Today I had two wisdom teeth out so it was a bit of a crafty quiet day. I came home and rested during the morning then popped a second movie on and began to slowly make some earrings. This evening I made a few more while my husband watched a tv show he likes but I just can't quite get into. I don't know, it just makes me uncomfortable.
Anyway... so it's up to 312... phew. Still not sure if I'll hit 500 but I'm sure going to try!
There's my quick little update and I'll pop back in a few days. :)
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Over Halfway!!
Good evening all!
So... I'm trying to do a nightly update to my tally as I create so that I don't have to recount that which I've already created. I think I'm up to 274 crafts! More than halfway, and about a good solid night's work away from 60% done!
I've made six little Christmas trees with stars on top courtesy of a tagged post on Facebook that my friend Serina posted. They are stacked green buttons, in varying shades, with a little pearly star on top. I love them!! I want to make more but I'm out of stars and my green supply is getting down to mostly little buttons.
Based on the design I decided to try a snowman wearing a little black top hat. Love him too! So much fun can be had with teeny little buttons.
The downside to my night was when the glue ran down my fingers.... whoops! Luckily I noticed in time and pried my skin apart. Ouch. No trip to the emergency room for me please!
So it has been pointed out to me that I haven't posted a single picture of my latest creations. Possibly I haven't posted any pictures. I might have one of the cell phone charm I made at the very beginning, but I'm doubting that even. I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually...
In closing for tonight, I'm going to send out some more happy vibes to my friends who could use them and to any one out there who needs a little influx of happy. Hope you are all well and smiling!
Good night!!
So... I'm trying to do a nightly update to my tally as I create so that I don't have to recount that which I've already created. I think I'm up to 274 crafts! More than halfway, and about a good solid night's work away from 60% done!
I've made six little Christmas trees with stars on top courtesy of a tagged post on Facebook that my friend Serina posted. They are stacked green buttons, in varying shades, with a little pearly star on top. I love them!! I want to make more but I'm out of stars and my green supply is getting down to mostly little buttons.
Based on the design I decided to try a snowman wearing a little black top hat. Love him too! So much fun can be had with teeny little buttons.
The downside to my night was when the glue ran down my fingers.... whoops! Luckily I noticed in time and pried my skin apart. Ouch. No trip to the emergency room for me please!
So it has been pointed out to me that I haven't posted a single picture of my latest creations. Possibly I haven't posted any pictures. I might have one of the cell phone charm I made at the very beginning, but I'm doubting that even. I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually...
In closing for tonight, I'm going to send out some more happy vibes to my friends who could use them and to any one out there who needs a little influx of happy. Hope you are all well and smiling!
Good night!!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
232 Crafts!
As of tonight I have 232 completed crafts! More if you count every pair of earrings as two crafts, but I don't... so we'll go with 232.
Bonus... it's a palindrome! Yes, I'm a nut for palindromes... I can't help it.
The majority of the crafts are the fridge magnets. I think they make up about half of the total. However, I now have a good deal more earrings on offer and I'm hoping to pick up some more necklace stuff and the pins to make the keychains I want to do.
I did 30 crafts tonight... and if I can keep that up for a few weeks I should be able to hit the 500 goal by the end of the year for sure!
I'm pretty happy with how it's going... with the exception of the glue. It's leaving a funny film on some crafts that comes off if I rub it. Not a huge deal... a bit time consuming... but I worry that it'll come back later. That wouldn't be so good at all. The pricier crazy glue doesn't seem to do it, but the super glue and the jewelry glue (which you'd think wouldn't do it) does. Hmm... might have to buckle down and get more of the 'good stuff'. Yeesh.
Just a quick update... Happy Thanksgiving Canada!
Bonus... it's a palindrome! Yes, I'm a nut for palindromes... I can't help it.
The majority of the crafts are the fridge magnets. I think they make up about half of the total. However, I now have a good deal more earrings on offer and I'm hoping to pick up some more necklace stuff and the pins to make the keychains I want to do.
I did 30 crafts tonight... and if I can keep that up for a few weeks I should be able to hit the 500 goal by the end of the year for sure!
I'm pretty happy with how it's going... with the exception of the glue. It's leaving a funny film on some crafts that comes off if I rub it. Not a huge deal... a bit time consuming... but I worry that it'll come back later. That wouldn't be so good at all. The pricier crazy glue doesn't seem to do it, but the super glue and the jewelry glue (which you'd think wouldn't do it) does. Hmm... might have to buckle down and get more of the 'good stuff'. Yeesh.
Just a quick update... Happy Thanksgiving Canada!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Necklace Time!
I'm starting to think I might be addicted to craft supply shopping and subesquently craft making! I just had to nip over to the store on my lunch break today to pick up/clear out all their magnets and I bought a bunch of cord/necklace stuff too. They didn't have the pin things I want for the keychains, but I know where to go for those. Perhaps tomorrow night...
I had signed up for a soccer class, but sadly not enough people joined so it got cancelled. Ah well, another night of the week free for craftiness!
I'm feeling pretty good about making it to my 500 goal! And... over 400 page views so far! Somehow I doubt that it'll crack 12000 like last year's project, but then again I was blogging every night and posting pics of the week's work on the Fridays. I haven't done that this time because I'm just too busy. That year took a lot out of me... worth it of course... but hard to keep that up!
Getting super excited for my new job... I'm working there this Friday and then starting up 'for real' next Friday. Should be pretty awesome!
So... that's some happy for me, now I'm going to send some happy out to the world... and one person in particular. A really sweet, kind person that I know is having some medical tests done on Friday and she's nervous about it. So... if you can, please send some happy vibes out there for her. Thanks!!
And now, let's see if we can get to 500 views by Hallowe'en... share this blog with your friends! I'll try to get some pictures up... you know... eventually!
Good night!
I had signed up for a soccer class, but sadly not enough people joined so it got cancelled. Ah well, another night of the week free for craftiness!
I'm feeling pretty good about making it to my 500 goal! And... over 400 page views so far! Somehow I doubt that it'll crack 12000 like last year's project, but then again I was blogging every night and posting pics of the week's work on the Fridays. I haven't done that this time because I'm just too busy. That year took a lot out of me... worth it of course... but hard to keep that up!
Getting super excited for my new job... I'm working there this Friday and then starting up 'for real' next Friday. Should be pretty awesome!
So... that's some happy for me, now I'm going to send some happy out to the world... and one person in particular. A really sweet, kind person that I know is having some medical tests done on Friday and she's nervous about it. So... if you can, please send some happy vibes out there for her. Thanks!!
And now, let's see if we can get to 500 views by Hallowe'en... share this blog with your friends! I'll try to get some pictures up... you know... eventually!
Good night!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
New Ideas!
So tonight I made another dozen magnets, but the best part is, my husband helped me figure out how I'm going to make the keychains I so wanted to make! Now I'm extra excited to do those too!!
It'll mean another trip to the craft store(s) but I think it'll be worth it!!
I'm also going to try to sort out getting a table at the local farmer's market, probably in late November/early December. I think another friend of mine (who does stunning art work in a variety of mediums) is interested in getting a space too. That would be nice... to sell some art and keep each other company. :)
Anyway, not much else is new... just trucking along. I think I just might reach my goal!
Still debating the charity though... Plan Canada or Children's Wish? Thoughts?
It'll mean another trip to the craft store(s) but I think it'll be worth it!!
I'm also going to try to sort out getting a table at the local farmer's market, probably in late November/early December. I think another friend of mine (who does stunning art work in a variety of mediums) is interested in getting a space too. That would be nice... to sell some art and keep each other company. :)
Anyway, not much else is new... just trucking along. I think I just might reach my goal!
Still debating the charity though... Plan Canada or Children's Wish? Thoughts?
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