Oh my gosh!! I think I'm going to do it! I can just about see 500 hovering in the near future! Woot!!
I made another twenty fridge magnets today and I like this batch quite a bit. I think I must be part crow... the shiny buttons grab my attention. Caw caw! :)
I'm feeling all giddy right now, can you tell??
Ok, so big update... I am not going to be donating to Plan Canada after all. They never responded to my email which I think is a little inconsiderate. So... I have decided to support Children's Wish again because I think it makes a very big difference for some very amazing children. I felt really good about last year's efforts and although I don't think I'll be able to raise quite as much this year, I think every little bit helps. It's like the blog home page says: Small things make a big difference.
So... if you'd like to support Children's Wish with me, let me know, buy a craft, make a donation, whatever you want to do. It's a great way to spread a little happy in the world and I guarantee you'll make a big difference for someone who could use some happy.
I'd also like to take a moment and send out my best wishes and hopeful thoughts for all the people affected by Hurricane Sandy here in Canada and down in the States. I'm a bit shocked that we haven't had more of an 'event' here on the coast... but I am also thankful too. I just hope that everyone stays safe and gets through this as best they can.
For those of us not under water, I hope tomorrow's Hallowe'en is safe and fun for all. Good night and stay tuned for the craft tally! Getting excited!!
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